I was reading this article and with the FBI involved, seemed anything but routine. It made me curious when the various agencies are involved and when they are not. If you read this post this does not appear to be a routine practice.
DUNKARD TWP. - As the search for a missing 12-year-old Greene County girl continued Thursday, state police confirmed that the FBI has been called in to assist with the case, but said that their involvement is a fairly routine practice in such a search.
According to the article she went missing on Tuesday June 13th shortly after 8:00 a.m. There isn’t a time indicating when she was posted on the NCMEC site, but,“…The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) was alerted to Bechen's disappearance after police filed a formal missing child report.
Thursday, NCMEC was on site, police said.
As is procedure, the center disseminates information to newspaper and television stations when any child under the age of 18 is declared missing…”
“…Although "non-family abductions" are rare, information shows children abducted by strangers face a greater risk of injury or death.
Police did not speculate on Bechen's disappearance and would only say the case is under investigation. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children had Bechen listed as "missing" Wednesday.
"Until we have a definitive answer one way or another we will continue to search," Christy said Thursday…”
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