When visiting websites to educate yourself on the various products and services available to you to protect your children, do you often come away more confused then ever as to their objective? It is a classic example of a good news bad news scenario. The good news is there are many options. The bad news is there are many options. For every site offering legitimate, valuable tools, there are those that remind me of the old adage; “…If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck...”
Here comes the free advice. Ask yourself, when reviewing the site if you come away with a feeling their goal is to aid in the recovery of lost or missing children or are they out to make a quick buck? It is a good time to use common sense. Does it appear the main focus is on selling something and less on the child? I’ll resist the temptation to direct you to sites that may cause you to pause and reflect by publishing their URL’s. However, sites stressing your financial upside through direct marketing opportunities or how you can increase your personal wealth by becoming a franchisee probably would make the list. Like many other things in life, you’ll know it when you see it.
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