It is the official start of hurricane season. FEMA says they are ready and the levees will hold in New Orleans so time will tell. This is a link to the FEMA site for children explaining various natural disasters and what to do. There is some useful information but you would think there would be more emphasis on following evacuation orders versus riding it out. The story of the “Disaster Twins” , (Julia and Robbie), is interesting. What is confusing is what the father concludes on the family vacation to Florida.
FEMA Kids site
"If we lived here," their father said, "we would have storm shutters to protect our windows and we'd listen to the radio in case we had to evacuate. Hurricanes are dangerous, but we would get warning."
Isn't the issue one of heeding the warnings not that they aren’t given?
Helpful tips from a previous post for being prepared.
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