Friday, February 22, 2008
Americas Most Wanted Updates 02-23-08
Bobby Weatherton: U.S. Marshals say Bobby Weatherton -- accused of rape, kidnapping, attempted murder and violating his federal probation -- very nearly killed a female friend he'd assaulted and held prisoner. She managed to escape, and now the Feds are hot on Bobby's trail.
Cops Helping Cops In New Orleans: In August 2005, Michigan Sheriffs responded to the needs of the Gulf Coast. They set up camp at a parking lot and slept in tents when they were not working to preserve peace and rescue and recover victims. Years after she first struck the Gulf Coast, Hurricane Katrina is still wreaking havoc. One organization is working to alleviate some of the pain and get some deserving first responders' homes back functioning and livable for their families.
Edmunda Cerda Anima: The manhunt for accused killer Edmundo Cerda-Anima has gone international. Police now believe the former Hurricane Katrina contractor may be going back and forth between the U.S. and Mexico -- and if he's caught, he'll have to answer for a lot more than crossing the border.
William Greer: A year after William Greer showed up in the woods, naked from the waist down and apparently confessing to the murder of his live-in girlfriend Tammy Myers, cops in Houston, Texas still don't have him behind bars. Greer has been spotted in New Orleans and Georgetown, Ky., and cops even believe that he may have been involved in a shooting that took place in the midst of a drug investigation in Paris, Ky. It is clear that AMW viewers and cops have been walking in Greer's shadows, but they are still hoping these near-misses will turn into a long-awaited capture.
Juan Garcia Diaz: On December 17, 2005, Juan Garcia-Diaz and Melina Fuentes De Rosas ate dinner together at a Scottsdale, Ariz. restaurant but police tell AMW that the couple's relationship had been on the rocks for quite some time. This was the last supper for the pair because hours after the meal, Melina's strangled body was found in a car halfway submerged in a canal. Now, cops are on the lookout for Juan Garcia-Diaz and hope that AMW viewers can help put this bad boyfriend behind bars.
Bruce Veniero: For a fleeting moment, U.S. Marshals say they had a big fish when they arrested Bruce Veniero in Miami on drug charges. But while in custody, Veniero pulled a bold move: tricking the authorities and leading him to freedom. Ever since, cops have been searching for him, and now, they're turning to AMW for help.
Jacqueline Highberger: Chesterfield County, S.C. detectives are looking for a woman who they say helped kill a man who volunteered with the Carolina Miracle League, and who coached basketball and football at the S. C. School for the Deaf and Blind. Police say Jacqueline Highberger, together with John Jackson, killed Thomas Sartor and left his body under a fake Christmas tree.
Mo Atat: A worldwide manhunt is on for Mustapha "Crazy Mo" Mohamed Atat, who many consider to be a legend on the off-road drag racing circuit. Cops think he may be traveling between Lebanon and the U.S., and they hope someone can turn this accused killer in to authorities before his dangerous hobbies get someone else killed.
Dwayne Edward Lee: Most people have heard of the cheap shot, the unexpected attack from a cowardly opponent. But most of the time, the cheap shot is ultimately harmless. That's not the case when it comes to Dwayne Edward Lee, a young man police say isn't afraid to take a cheap shot that'll kill.
AMW All-Star: America's Most Wanted is once again asking the public to help give special recognition to the police, firefighters, EMTs and other first-responders who dedicate themselves to protecting us. Any first-responder is eligible for nomination, and the process is simple. Fill out a short online form naming a first-responder, and explain what makes this person an All-Star.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Nancy and Joey Bochicchio murder suspect

In cooperation with the Boca Raton Police Department - the lead investigative agency - and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, we are releasing the latest sketch of the suspect in the Nancy and Joey Bochicchio murders.
The sketch will also be seen during the “America’s Most Wanted” broadcast on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 9 pm ET/PT on FOX.
We’re hoping that the release of this sketch will provide the tip that helps solve this case. All tips are immediately given to investigators for followup. Tips can be called into 1-800-CRIME-TV or sent in through the AMW website,
Thursday, February 14, 2008
America's Most Wanted story updates 02-16-08
Unknown Randi Gorenberg Killer: In a community where violent crime is nearly unheard of, residents in Delray Beach and Boca Raton, Fl. are fearful knowing a murder mystery remains unsolved. The murder of Randi Gorenberg, a well-liked woman who lived and shopped in these safe neighborhoods, has people wondering whether the killer lives among them.
Unknown Nancy and Joey Bochicchio Killer: Police in Boca Raton, Fla. are still looking for Nancy and Joey Bochicchio's killer. Cops say their best lead is a composite sketch of a man wanted in another violent attack in Boca Raton: the similarities between that case and the Bochicchios' murders are eerily similar, and police believe the man in the sketch could be involved with the vicious double murder of mom Nancy and 8-year-old daughter Joey.
Heather Riggio: Heather Riggio's family says the 20-year-old has had a tough time in her short life, and now they worry something even worse could be happening to Heather right now. She disappeared May 6th, and hasn't been heard from since.
Omar Maldonado: It's been seven years since cops say Omar Maldonado shot and killed 17-year-old Leah Tadeo at a San Diego area house party. Since then, law enforcement on both sides of the US-Mexico border have been hunting high and low for the diminutive Maldonado who police believe began working for a drug cartel south of the border. Maldonado's luck finally ran out on October 9, 2007 when cops in Tijuana, Mexico arrested the 5'2" fugitive after an AMW tipster pointed them in the right direction.
Gustavo Raygoza Mares: Thanksgiving Day 2006. Cops in Irvine, California receive a heartbreaking call that a woman has been murdered. Even worse, her body was discovered by her 9-year-old son. Police say that 36-year-old Brandi Mares was stabbed in the back with a screwdriver by her brother-in-law, Gustavo Mares.
Are you interested in some of the cases America's Most Wanted is covering? Do you want to know the latest update? Just click on the name for more details.
Paul Edmund Carpenter: Horst Fietze saved for years to afford the vacation that he and his wife took to Santa Monica, Calif. in October of 1998. The house painter from Lobeau, Germany was enjoying his final evening in Southern California as he walked with his wife and another German couple by the luxury hotels and palm trees dotting the Santa Monica beachfront. Cops say the carefree atmosphere vanished the minute Paul Edmond Carpenter approached with a gun and three friends in tow. Now, the FBI has named Carpenter to their 'Featured Fugitives' list in hopes the last suspect in the murder of Horst Fietze will soon be behind bars.
Jacob Corey Gordon: Maryland State Police are searching for accused rapist Jacob Corey Gordon, who police say raped a woman at knife point with another man in the back of Gordon's van seven years ago. While his accused accomplice is awaiting trial, police say they need your help to haul Gordon back to face justice.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
AMW- Choose Your Favorite Hero
2008 AMW All-Star Contest Nominations Now Open
(Feb. 6, 2008) - America’s Most Wanted, television’s top crime-fighting show, is once again asking the public to help give special recognition to the police, firefighters, EMTs and other first-responders who dedicate themselves to protecting us.
The fourth annual AMW All-Star Contest, sponsored by Sprint Nextel, kicks off today (2/6/08) with the opening of nominations. Any first-responder is eligible for nomination, and the process is simple. Go to to fill out a short online form naming a first-responder and explain what makes this person an All-Star.
Voters will select eight weekly finalists, and each finalist will be profiled on America’s Most Wanted (Saturdays, 9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT on FOX). Through their online votes, the public will choose the grand-prize winner. In May, AMW Host John Walsh will present the 2008 AMW All-Star winner with a check for $10,000 at the NASCAR SPRINT Cup Series™ All-Star Challenge at Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Nominations are open at until noon (ET) on April 1, 2008. Members of the public may vote for their favorite first responder once a day, every day. Finalist voting runs through midnight April 13, and the grand-prize winner voting will run April 17-May 6.
As in previous years, thousands of police officers, firefighters, EMTs and other first responders are expected to be nominated. Each one is a hero, but only one will become the 2008 AMW All-Star.
Friday, February 01, 2008
America's Most Wanted updates 02-02-08
The 2008 AMW All-Star contest website goes live today! Nominations start on Feb. 6th. If you have an exceptional first responder in mind that you think is worthy of the AMW All-Star reward, be sure to nominate!
Are you interested in some of the cases America's Most Wanted is covering? Do you want to know the latest update? Just click on the name for more details.
Richard Regalado: When cops in California chased after a bank robbery suspect, they were surprised at the lengths he'd go to avoid capture. But when they found out who they were chasing, it all became clear.
Gustavo Mares: Thanksgiving Day 2006. Cops in Irvine, California receive a heartbreaking call that a woman has been murdered. Even worse, her body was discovered by her 9-year-old son. Police say that 36-year-old Brandi Mares was stabbed in the back with a screwdriver by her brother-in-law, Gustavo Mares.
Paul Carpenter: Horst Fietze saved for years to afford the vacation that he and his wife took to Santa Monica, Calif. in October of 1998. The house painter from Lobeau, Germany was enjoying his final evening in Southern California as he walked with his wife and another German couple by the luxury hotels and palm trees dotting the Santa Monica beachfront. Cops say the carefree atmosphere vanished the minute Paul Edmond Carpenter approached with a gun and three friends in tow. Now, the FBI has named Carpenter to their 'Featured Fugitives' list in hopes the last suspect in the murder of Horst Fietze will soon be behind bars.
Jacob Gordon: Maryland State Police are searching for accused rapist Jacob Corey Gordon, who police say raped a woman at knife point with another man in the back of Gordon's van seven years ago. While his accused accomplice is awaiting trial, police say they need your help to haul Gordon back to face justice.
Omar Mora: Omar Mora killed his wife and another man in May of 2007. After Mora went on the run, the trail went cold until July, when Chicago police found Mora's truck on the Windy City's north side. Now the trail has gone cold again and police say they need your help. Police aren't sure if Mora is still in the U.S. or has gone south of the border, but they are sure that they need to get justice for the two victims and their families.
Brianna Denison: Reno Police Cmdr. Ron Holladay has confirmed to AMW that two other Reno assaults are related to the Brianna Denison disappearance, according to DNA evidence obtained at the crime scenes.
Lamont Cooke: Philadelphia police say that Lamont Cooke was one of a group of Jamaican men who conspired to kidnap and hold a business owner for ransom. Once Cooke and his cohorts had kidnapped the man, police say they demanded $600,000 from one of his relatives in exchange for his safe release.
Shawn Clarke: Philadelphia police say that Shawn Clarke was one of a group of Jamaican men who conspired to kidnap and hold a business owner for ransom. Once Clarke and his cohorts had kidnapped the man, they allegedly demanded $600,000 from one of his relatives in exchange for his safe release.
Wheaton Bank Robbers: Five years after the Wheaton Bank Robber first started targeting Chicagoland banks, the FBI says they've finally got a picture of the man behind the mask. Armed with a sketch, agents hope to finally end the bandit's long string of successful robberies.
Travis Mullis: When cops in Galveston found a dead infant, they wondered if identifying him would turn into another Baby Grace case. But just days after the discovery, cops are hot on the trail of a man they think may know something about the horrific scene.
George Saravanos: Many times, fugitives flee the country in their flight from justice. After running from Queens, N.Y., accused killer George Saravanos fled to Ecuador, was shot inside a brothel, and was eventually arrested after an AMW tipster dropped a dime on the fugitive. AMW traveled to South America to find out just how cops were finally able to track him down.