Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Does your home have a fenced yard? Do your doors have multiple locks? Do you have an alarm system? Do you have bars on the windows? Is there a neighborhood watch group? Do you live in a gated community? Is there a security guard? Just as each of these have a role in protecting you and your home, all of the myriad of child identification tools may assist in the recovery and identification of missing children.

When you evaluate which of the various missing child tools you should have, it often can becomevery confusing. Do you need a Child ID card, a Child ID Kit, and a Web based Registry for your children? Depending on the site you visit, each may present their offering as a competing solution. Are they really? Maybe it would be better to look at them as complementary rather then competing.

If you or your children do not travel, more then a few miles from home, then a Child ID Kit or card either cd, pc or paper based offering may serve your needs. If you are organized and can find things especially under extreme duress then they may make sense as well. Yes it will take time to upload the information for web based distribution, but as long as the information is readily available it can be retrieved.

However, do you travel even across town, where returning home would require time? Do you live in an area subject to natural disasters where an evacuation or property destruction may limit access? Have you moved to a new city or town, where every area is new to you or your family? If you answered yes to any of these, then a Web based Registry provides greater value as the information will be available to you under each of those circumstances. Since the first few minutes can significantly impact the recovery efforts, having the right tool available at the right time is critical.

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